
Audio Design







Pedestrians and other road users are used to vehicles that make a sound. Most electric vehicles are silent and create new but dangerous road situations for drivers and road users. Therefor new legislation requires all EV’s to emit sound. Apart from warning beeps, most electric motorcycles sounds are artificial and don’t contribute to a more substantial driving experience. We imagined the future for electric motorcycles: where safety can enhance rider experience instead of limiting it.

Contemporary EV sound is designed for linear velocity. But riding a bike is rarely a linear experience; it’s a dynamic experience over several axes. While traditionally bike acceleration and braking are key to sound, adding additional layers of sound while cutting corners is a next-level experience.

But the key to developing the solution is designing a technical solution that makes the intention of the driver heard. A slow throttle or an aggressive approach do not only sound different but also make the difference for road users. Different audible intentions trigger different responses.

The next level EV sound experience is the answer for both new legislation and rider experience. By leveraging real-time data straight from the bike into a multi layered acoustics engine and acoustics set, sound moves from mandatory to extraordinary in seconds.

Taking our solution for a test drive.
Together with our friends at Edenspiekermann we developed a test rig on an actual electric motorcycle, mounting an external high-fidelity speaker directly to the bike. All generated sound is created by leveraging real-time data through the Canbus.